I.D. Images saves hundreds of thousands of dollars with 100% print inspection by eliminating costly errors and re-runs

I.D. Images saves hundreds of thousands of dollars with 100% print inspection by eliminating costly errors and re-runs

I.D. Images’ investment in BW Converting’s cutting-edge Baldwin Guardian PQV 100% inspection system immediately paid for itself with the very first job. Over the past eight years, the technology has saved the company, a leader in stock and custom label solutions, hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Baldwin的 "可堆叠 "技术在2023年墨西哥国际标签展上推动质量、效率和可持续性达到顶峰

Baldwin的 "可堆叠 "技术在2023年墨西哥国际标签展上推动质量、效率和可持续性达到顶峰



宝德威在Infoflex 2023上提供下一级技术以实现绝对完美的印刷效果

宝德威在Infoflex 2023上提供下一级技术以实现绝对完美的印刷效果

Baldwin Technology Company Inc.将在Infoflex 2023上强调其用于窄幅和宽幅印刷的检测和LED技术可达到的完美水平。该活动于4月17日至18日在俄亥俄州哥伦布市的大哥伦布会议中心举行,是北美最大的专注于整个包装印刷行业的展览。


南亚包装公司称Baldwin将在印度标签展上展示Guardian 100%印刷检测和离线打样系统

 南亚包装公司称Baldwin将在印度标签展上展示Guardian 100%印刷检测和离线打样系统

印度国际标签印刷展览会在时隔四年后再次举行,Baldwin在5号馆M10展台展出了其Guardian PQV 100%检测系统和Guardian OLP离线打样和检测系统的现场演示,这些系统提供极致的标签质量,减少浪费并提高生产率。
